Where are your products made?

Where are your products made?

Good question! Here's how the sausage is made.

We get questions about our products and the answer is the same across the board.
Not just for us, but any small Aussie brand.

So let me explain where our products come from in full transparency.

We're a small Aussie brand that started from honest and fun beginnings. Our roots grew from making great clothing for mates and learning on the job - definitely not being experts at developing clothing and other products!

But we've learned a lot over the years. 
It's in our DNA to try to stay as true blue Aussie as we can. But in many cases, it's simply not possible.

Let me explain.

When we started we had our shirts & hoodies made in Bangladesh, made from overseas cotton and printed in Australia. That didn't sit right with us, and we wanted to do more locally.

We've since moved to garments made with Aussie cotton, purchased from an Australian company that has assembled in a family-owned factory in Vietnam. Printing is done right here in Australia and of course, we use an all Australian supply chain. 
Doing it this way allows us to deliver a great product, at a great price & with most parts of the chain as Aussie as we can.

For our drinkware, we searched far and wide for a factory that could meet our standards of toughness, as well as our technical requirements such as staying cold for hours in the outback heat.
Sadly, there is simply no factory in Australia that can do it.

We eventually found a fantastic factory in China that are experts at this sort of thing. In fact, they even make YETI's coolers too. We're very happy with the price point and quality that we have achieved for these products. We simply couldn't get anywhere near this with a local supplier.

We had the choice to make the best products for you while keeping as much of the business - yours and ours - right here on Aussie soil.

In short, 80% of Fare and Dinkum is Australian.
The 20 percent is the dollars (for us to manufacture and for you to pay) that makes or breaks small Aussie brands.

The future for Fare & Dinkum includes investigating expanding that supply chain to something that's even more Aussie-centric. For T-Shirts, we're investigating Australian assembled garments, which would mean these products become 100% Australian made. It's an exciting option but the reality means that the price will go up significantly (at least 50% more) for those products. 

We're hoping to explore both options in the future with more options depending on your requirements and budget. 

And we hope this gives you an idea of our thought process here at F&D. We're trying hard to stay as true blue as we can. And while we know we can't do it all, we're giving it a red hot crack!

Cheers for being with us.
And we'll keep being as upfront with you as we can.


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